Thursday, May 30, 2013

Point Taken

I've decided that I need an outlet for my creative side.  I have a lot of hobbies and passions but I've been letting them fall to the wayside.  I use to blog on my tumblr but it just got to the point that the only people really following me were the people who wanted to repost what I reposted. It became a game of pretty pictures and quotes. Don't get me wrong, I still love tumblr. It's great for finding cool images, ideas, and is another form of expressing yourself, but I wanted to personalize my thoughts and my projects more.

And since I haven't done any of the things I've set out to do, I figured here is a place were I can show off my designs from work to whatever I feel like designing. And my love of baking, needle felting, painting, nail polish, books I've read, movies I love, food I want to make, etc. 

And instead of letting my website just sit there, hopefully another way to use my domain for a purpose and get my thoughts and ideas out there.

Thankfully, since projects take time and work/family/love/friends take my time away, I'll hopefully be able to incorporate them into my blog just to show myself that I do a lot and I do accomplish a lot every day.

Here's to making it last.

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