Thursday, June 13, 2013

Nail Polish Review [#1]

A few of my friends and a few of the blogs I follow do reviews on nail polish and I wanted to give my opinion. I'm going to try and focus on mostly nail polish that are inexpensive but hopefully has great qualities and great colors in some different but fun combinations

I'm going to be reviewing these nail polishes in the next few posts. So check back often!

I had mentioned in my thrift store adventure with my boyfriend, I Only Got $20 In My Pocket, that I bought two Essie nail polishes for $5.50 each. I'll be reviewing Smooth Sailing from that post and Revlon's Celestial FX. I got it for $4.99. These aren't the cheapest nail polish but for someone on a budget, this is not as much as some other well known brands.

Smooth Sailing is from Essie's 2011 Summer CollectionBraziliant. This polish has a rich indigo color with tiny bits of silver sparkle throughout. It only took two coats for me. I really like the sheen and the color is really pretty.

Depending on the lighting, there are these purple hues in it. It's a very fun color. I figured since it had this silver sparkle to it, I'd top it with Celestial FX.

It has large holographic diamond, star, and moon shapes along with tiny glitter pieces. It also is fast drying, so you have to work fast or keep the bottle capped.  

It was really difficult getting the larger pieces of glitter to stick to my nails and stay. If you want to coat your nails in fine glitter, you could do it in one coat with this but It took a lot of dabbing and placing to get a star or a moon

It was nice that it dried fast, but I started noticing that the bigger pieces of glitter would stick out a bit or you'd feel the pointy parts of them not sticking all the way down. 

I figured I'd put a coat of matte on it and that would seal those bits in.

Sadly, it did not. I could still feel them poking me and sticking up. I'm the type of person to pick at things like that when I'm thinking or bored.  And it just is a pet peeve of mine, so I removed the nail polish after a day.

Sorry I can't say how long it could have lasted or how well it held up to daily use and any chipping

Point is...

I'm going to give Celestial FX another try. I think it'd look great on a darker color. I'll keep you posted. Happy Polish Hunting!


Tried Celestial FX again. I'm much happier with the results. Just a lot more patience and took my time getting it right.


  1. I used Celestial FX on Go Ginza and it looked great. The only thing I didn't lie about it was that you had to pick out the flecks and moons from the polish to get them on your nails. I used essie's top coat to seal it. It wasn't bad, but I know what you mean about the poking.

    1. Go Ginza and Celestial FX sound like a great combo. I think I do need to use a different top coat if I do use it again. It just dries so fast that it's difficult to get the pieces out. The mouth of the bottle is already crusty. -_-.

  2. I have Celestial FX too and I couldn't get the shapes to stay down! I would probably suggest a thicker top coat like Seche Vite - I find that the top coat does a great job with glitters that might stick up a bit. You and I both gotta give it another chance, ha! :)

    1. It was bad. I literally picked a whole moon piece off because it was annoying me. I did hear that Seche Vite is much better when it comes to certain glitter polishes. I'll have to pick up a bottle. When you do give it another chance, let me know how it goes. :3

  3. Smooth Sailing is so pretty and what a great deal for Essie! I have heard that big glitter can be problematic and it looks like this one really was :( Too bad cause it looked really pretty with that matte top coat. Glad you got it to work the second time.

    Just a side note on something very personal and subjective so hopefully I don't offend you, just thought as a reader of your blog I would share. I really enjoy your blog but I find all the bolding and italizing and underlining distracting when trying to read your posts. Obviously you can format however you choose and I will still visit, just thought I'd mention it :)

    1. It was super pretty the first time, I just wish it wasn't irritating with the big chunks. I did like doing the french manicure with it, but you know they chip easily within a few days. I do like Smooth Sailing a lot. It's just a nice color with a pretty glitter sheen in it.

      As for my writing style, you aren't the first to mention it. It's some weird habit I picked up when I blogged years ago and I just find myself emphasizing words. Which is funny, I would never write copy like this for a client or in my work. It is something I'm trying to stop, but thank you for your opinion and your support.
